Preserving the heritage Cotswold breed standards for over 140 years

Eligibility for Black Cotswolds

Cotswold sheep eligible for the Black Cotswold registry (BCR) must meet the same breed requirements as the ACRA Breed Standard with the exception of color.

Sheep eligible for registration in the Black Cotswold Registry (BCR) include:

  • The expression of color in the offspring of two registered American Cotswold Record Association (ACRA) sheep.
  • This includes ACRA offspring with markings such as large spots, which disqualify it for entry into ACRA, may be registered with the BCR.
  • Any offspring as a result of the breeding between a registered ACRA sheep and a BCS/BCR sheep.
  • The offspring of two registered BCR/BCS sheep.
  • Any sheep registered in the Cotswold Breeders Association (CBA) with a colored (C or W/C ) bloodline.
  • Any sheep registered in the Canadian Livestock Records Corp (CLRC).
  • The offspring of an ACRA sheep and a CBA/BCR/BCS/CLRC sheep.

All registration applications must be submitted on official BCR registration application forms

Complete copies (both sides) of ACRA registration certificates must accompany applications and transfers involving ACRA-parented sheep.

Applications and transfers involving CBA, CLRC or BCS sheep must be accompanied by a copy of their registration certificates unless both parents are already registered with the BCR.

All BCR registered sheep shall have at least 1 mark of identification, (tag or tattoo).

Transfer information must be completed on the back of the original registration certificate by the seller and submitted by the seller or buyer to the registrar for recording and assignment of transfer number. The registration certificate will be signed by the registrar and sent to the new owner.

When bred ewes are sold and transferred before they lamb, the buyer may have the lambs registered in his/her name and is considered the owner of the progeny. However, the breeder of the progeny is the owner of the ewe at the time of breeding. When a ewe is bred by a ram from another flock, her progeny may be registered as bred and owned by the owner of the ewe at the time of breeding, provided that a Certificate of Breeding signed by the owner of the ram is submitted with the application for registry.

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